Project leader PhD Eglė Preikšaitienė is a young researcher and clinical geneticist. Since the beginning of her work in the Department of Human and Medical Genetics in 2006 she participated in four research projects (GENOLOG, PROGENET, CHERISH, UNIGENE). Since 2011 she also works at Centre for Medical Genetics of Vilnius University Hospital Santariškių Klinikos (VUHSK) as a clinical geneticist and consults individuals and families with various genetic disorders. In 2013 she received her PhD in Biomedical Sciences, Medicine from Vilnius University in Lithuania (PhD thesis: Evaluation of the impact of genomic structural alterations on the phenome in patients with intellectual disability). Since 2011 till 2015 E. Preikšaitienė worked in the laboratory of cytognetics with karyotyping and array CGH investigations. In 2016 she was employed at Centre of Hematology, Oncology and Transfusion Med of VUHSK and performes next generation sequencing (clinical exome) data analysis. Therefore E. Preikšaitienė has experience in clinical genetics, as well as molecular cytogenetic and next generation sequencing investigations. Her main research interest is genetic investigation of patients with intellectual disability and congenital anomalies. E. Preikšaitienė is an author of more than 30 peer reviewed scientific articles in Lithuanian and international journals. During the last years she was working in the Lithuanian-Swiss cooperation programme (UNIGENE project) and was responsible for selecting and recruiting the patients, collecting clinical and molecular data and genotype-phenotype relationship analysis.
PhD Tautvydas Rančelis is a young researcher in genetics. Since 2012 I am working as junior research associate in Department of Human and Medical Genetics, Faculty of Medicine, Vilnius University and participated in two research projects (LITGEN, UNIGENE). In 2016 I received PhD in Biomedical Sciences, Medicine from Vilnius University in Lithuania.
PhD Živilė Maldžienė, research associate, lecturer, medical geneticist. Since 2006, I am working in Department of Human and Medical Genetics of Vilnius University, and participated in four research projects. Since 2008, I also work at Centre for Medical Genetics of Vilnius University Hospital Santaros Klinikos (VUHSK) as a medical geneticist. In 2013 I have received PhD in Biomedical Sciences, Medicine from Vilnius University in Lithuania. The main scientific interest is genetics of intellectual disability.
Evelina Siavrienė, research assistant. I have graduated from Vilnius University with a Bachelor's degree in Genetics and a Master‘s degree in Medical genetics. Since 2011, I have been investigating the human cell cultures. In connection with it, I have raised my qualification while doing an internship in Belgium and Switzerland. Now I am PhD student at Vilnius University Department of Human and Medical Genetics. A fundamental question in current biomedical research is the study of functional genomics using human cell lines. Moreover, I am a member of Lithuanian Stem Cell Research Association and Lithuanian Society of Human Genetics.